Do non-profits and social impact organizations use digital marketing?
30 Oct 2023

Digital marketing is not restricted to any particular industry or individual. With globalisation and increase in usage of technology for all small tasks, every industry needs to adapt and use digital marketing techniques to stay in the field. So let us check how non-profit and social impact organizations can utilise digital marketing.

Website optimization

For any digital marketing strategy, having a well-optimized website is the foundation. Just like any other organisations, they need to ensure that the website is user-friendly, less response time, and is mobile friendly. They need to use headlines, videos, meta tags to make themselves visible to the public. 

Compelling content creation

In order to make the audience informed about their activities, they need to post content that is educational and eye catching as well. It must inspire the audience to want to know more about the organization and its activities. They can use story telling format, stunning visuals and even personalise content for better engagement.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is essential for them to get better ranks in search engine results and drive traffic to their websites. They need to use the right keywords that resonate with their goals and audience. They can also try to increase online authority by building quality backlinks.

Social media marketing

For any type of content, social media platforms are great to get the word across and build a community. They can make use of social media marketing to share the organisation’s missions, impact stories, create hashtags and add call-to-action buttons to encourage audience engagement.

Email marketing

For non-profit organizations, getting as many volunteers and supporters is crucial to get the work done. Once they have a database, they can schedule and send email newsletters, share event details, new ventures and share success stories. They need to keep in constant touch with members and potential benefactors. Email marketing is a great tool for this.

Paid advertising

Google Ads and social media advertising are platforms non-profit and social impact organisations can make use of to reach a larger audience. They can even target specific demographics using this. Advertising their campaigns, fundraising events and initiatives can help them attract more people. This is not always possible for all though.

Analytics and measurement

The analytics provided from various tools can help them check which of their initiatives made a greater impact and attracted more funds. Using digital marketing they can track and analyse relevant metrics. Google Analytics is a tool they can rely on.


It is clear from the above article that non-profit and social impact organizations use or can use digital marketing to reach more people, spread their mission and vision and try to make the world a better place. They are able to attract more people, generate more funds, get more collaborations for their events, able to decide on efficient strategies by using techniques of digital marketing.